Client Portal

AETL Now Offers A Client Data Portal: DATA LINK!

Through the DATA LINK, you can:


  • Review Chain-of-Custodies, Cooler Receipt Forms, Air Monitoring Field Forms, and Laboratory Work Orders
  • Review Final Reports and EDDs
  • Review Invoices
  • Download Documents

How To Sign In To DATA LINK

If you are a first time user, you need to set up an account to access our client portal. There are two ways to setup access: 1. Request a username and password from your AETL project manager or, 2. By using the DATA LINK request form below.  Set up your account early so you don’t have delays accessing your reports.  Business hours for AETL Project Managers and Data Administration are 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM.

  1. First time users need to set up access via the form below.
  2. Solve the mathematical question to prove you’re not a computer bot spammer and click Submit.
  3. You will receive an email form AETL Data Administration with your login information.
  4. Once you have your login information, click on the “Click Here To Access The Client Portal” button.
  5. Enter your username and password at the prompts and you will enter the Client Portal (DATA LINK).

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